
Monday, July 28, 2003

okay ... so here's a pic of the new me with my nephew Ian ... he's so cool to hang out with his weirdo Uncle Mike :o)
ACK! Where'd my hair go?!?

I had a very interesting interview at LabOne this morning with both the HR Recruiter and Laboratory Hiring Manager. I also managed to get a brief tour of the facility which was quite impressive. LabOne is the largest employer in the KC area for laboratory workers. Keeping my fingers crossed there!! Then, while waiting on I-435 for emergency workers to clear up a nasty accident, (hmmm ... tractor trailer rear-ended a Chevy Impala ... guess who won? I just hope there wasn't anyone in the back seat ...), I spoke with the HR manager at the Warrensburg Medical Clinic. Warrensburg is almost an hour east of where I am currently staying, btw. They have offered me the position at their clinic, and I have accepted on a tentative basis. I told them I would let them know for sure by Thursday (the latest I can wait to start on the date they want me to start work, which is August 11th.) It may seem strange that I am waiting to fully accept the offer, but the pay isn't quite what I can make here in the metro area (a difference of almost $6/hr!!) and I know that I shouldn't be too choosy, but I would hate to cost them money by starting the employment process on me, only for me to turn them down when an offer comes through at say, LabOne! They understand, and agreed to allow me until this Thursday to fully accept the offer . . . Well, I'm off to do some laundry and maybe watch a DVD when my sister gets home from work. Catch you later!
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